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Giving My House Back To The Bank In Dallas and Fort Worth

“I’m behind in payments…will I be giving my house back to the bank in Dallas and Fort Worth?” Nobody wants to lose their home. But sometimes financial circumstances turn against you and those financial commitments become simply too much to manage. If your situation progresses too far, you may be forced into the unfortunate situation … Continued

Guide to Throwing a Summer Open House in Dallas and Fort Worth

Summertime… and the livin’s easy. It’s the perfect time to sell your Dallas and Fort Worth home. The weather is nice, people are out and about, and it’s the perfect time to throw an AMAZING open house. There are many ways you can take advantage of the warm temps and long days. Here are just a … Continued

What are Closing Costs Exactly in Dallas and Fort Worth?

You’ve likely heard about closing costs, but do you know everything that they include? Check out our closing cost “FAQ” to learn more about what closing costs are all about. What Are Closing Costs Exactly in Dallas and Fort Worth? Closing costs refer to all of the fees that must be paid at the closing … Continued

I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Dallas

I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Dallas and Fort Worth Last updated on October 24, 2015 Relocation is like trying to coordinate a three-ring circus! We often get local Dallas and Fort Worth home sellers reaching out to us, or submitting their house info on this website every week saying “I’m relocating and need to sell … Continued